Highly acclaimed and recognized are these doctors who are psychologists with PhDs or PsyDs. Many of these health experts are researchers, sought-after speakers, seminar conductors, personal consultants, and/or prolific authors. See the psychologists featured below and other psychologists making an impact in social media, elsewhere on the Web, and in their communities in our Top Psychologists profiles.
- @DrPhil Phillip Calvin McGraw, PhD, best known as Dr. Phil, is a psychologist, television personality, and author of six #1 New York Times bestsellers. He is currently the host of his own television show called Dr. Phil, which is the second highest-rated daytime talk show in the nation. Dr. Phil has “galvanized millions of people to ‘get real’ about their own behavior” and shares his expertise on his blog, Turning Point. He conducts motivational seminars across the country. Dr. Phil and his wife, Robin, and their sons, Jay and Jordan, formed The Dr. Phil Foundation to raise funds for organizations that address the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual needs of children and families.
- @toddkashdan Todd Kashdan, PhD, is a clinical psychologist, devoted to positive emotions, gratitude, the cultivation of happiness and life's meaning, social relationships, trauma, and anxiety disorders. Kashdan offers a unique outlook on fostering a fulfilling life. He's been active in the positive psychology movement since 2000, when he taught one of the first college courses on the science of happiness. Dr Kashdan, associate editor of the Journal of Positive Psychology and the Journal of Personality, is an associate professor of psychology at George Mason University. Uncover more about Dr. Kashdan's book and writing and his research program.
- @DrShepp Sari Fine Shepphird, PhD, clinical psychologist, is an author, educator, and eating disorders specialist who provides outpatient psychotherapy through her private practice located in West Los Angeles, California. A noted specialist with over 20 years of experience, Dr. Shepphird provides consultation about eating disorders to the media and other treatment providers. She authored the invaluable resource, 100 Questions and Answers about Anorexia Nervosa. Her blog, Treatment Notes, is for health professionals who wish to learn more about eating disorders.
- @PsychologyDOC Joseph Cilona, Psy.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist, personal coach, author, and nationally recognized relationship expert based in Manhattan. With advanced degrees in both psychology and medicine, Dr. Cilona provides unique and holistic insight stemming from both psychological and biomedical perspectives. His innovative philosophy and progressive style empowers some of today’s most successful and distinguished New Yorkers. Dr. Cilona specializes in working with high-profile and accomplished creative artists, entertainers, and professionals in many fields including film, theater, television, fashion, music, production, advertising, marketing, journalism, and law. Learn more about Dr. Cilona’s philosophy and services on his Web site.
- @DrFinnerty Todd Elliott Finnerty, Psy.D., clinical psychologist based in Columbus, Ohio, is the co-founder of PsychContinuingEd.com, a continuing education site for psychologists and mental health professionals approved by the American Psychological Association. Dr Finnerty is a member of the American Psychological Association (APA), the Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology (SSCP), and the National Association of Disability Examiners (NADE). Read more about services offered and connect with Dr. Finnerty’s through his Web site.
- @CadenzaCenter Michelle Reitman, PsyD, licensed clinical psychologist and mental health counselor, specializes in the treatment of autism and developmental disabilities as well as behavioral disorders. Dr. Reitman has been a practicing board-certified music therapist for 17 years and holds a masters degree in music therapy. She founded the Cadenza Center for Psychotherapy and the Arts in 2000 to serve children with autism and developmental disabilities through music therapy. They now serve individuals with developmental, emotional, cognitive, physical, and behavioral needs using active, creative, and enriching treatment interventions to create each individual's cadenza or "moment to shine in the spotlight."
- @DrHappy Timothy Sharp, PhD, clinical psychologist and media personality, is one of Australia's leaders in the exciting new science of positive psychology and happiness. Dr. Sharp's practice is a highly regarded executive coaching practice and one of Australia’s largest clinical psychology practices and first practice devoted to promoting the principles of positive psychology. He's a best-selling author, sought after public speaker, and popular media personality. His site, Dr. Happy, details his impressive achievements and devotion to understanding problems like depression and how to alleviate suffering and distress in as many people as possible.
- @DrJenniferImig Jennifer Imig, PhD, clinical developmental neuropsychologist, specializes in the evaluation and treatment of neurological and psychological conditions that impact individuals across their lifespans. As a neuropsychologist, Dr. Imig provides an array of evaluations which are detailed on The Child and Family Wellness Institute site, where she is currently the clinical director.
- @DrLynneKenney Lynne Kenney, Psy D, a pediatric psychologist in Scottsdale, Arizona, is the author of The Family Coach Method. Dr. Kenney is an avid writer, blogger, and media producer, co-producing television shows and DVDs with Baby First TV. She's the featured expert for Momtastic.com, Parentsask.com, Socialmoms.com, and Smart Family ABC15. She hosts Dr. Lynne Weighs In. Dr. Kenney values the contributions of parents in guiding their children's lives and has helped families solve the challenges of childhood through engaging, informative and practical solutions. To learn more about one of the most recognizable mom media experts in America, a real life “Supernanny,” please visit Dr. Kenney’s site.
- @SusanNewmanPhD Susan Newman, PhD, social psychologist and author of the Singletons blog on Psychology Today, previously lectured at Rutgers University in New Jersey. She is a best-selling author of 14 books about parenting and issues affecting family life. She was the stepmother of four children before remarrying and having one son. She wrote Parenting an Only Child, which focuses on the decision to raise one child and the joys and challenges that came with that decision. She now lives in New Jersey with her family and is a court-appointed special advocate (CASA) for abused and neglected children. You can learn more on Dr. Newman’s site.
If you know of psychologists who are worthy of attention on these pages, please nominate them. See how to Request a Profile.
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By Julie Bohlen, MBA-HCM, ELS
Coauthor: Marie Obando, MBA
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