We're proud to join 8 other founding health technology companies who are joining the movement to set new standards for health provider information sharing to create what is known as the dCard standard. Work on the dCard standard will culminate later in the spring with a summit where we will work together to finalize, approve and approve this new standard so we can launch the dCard around May 1, 2008.
The era of proprietary health information standards needs to come to an end so we can all work together to help ensure information accuracy, speed up innovation, and ultimately make sure people get access to better information that they can use to manage their health care.
We've personally seen how beneficial developing consistent standards can be for all in several other industries from previous businesses we've built. In the early and mid 1990's there were no standards for online advertising. We helped create a consortium to shape those standards that eventually helped the online advertising industry grow and flourish. Now the IAB has clear and specific standards and everyone knows the guidelines.
It is surprising that the health care industry hasn't worked together before now to set these types of provider information standards, but as is often the case, there are a new group of entrepreneurs and innovators pounding at the gate to make change happen. We're proud to be one of these companies who do not accept the status quo. We believe that it is simply too important to find ways to leverage technology, collaboration, and innovation to improve how the health care system operates. Consumers are now demanding it, and Health 2.0 leaders are too...
Read the full press release here (PDF) and today's article about it in VentureBeat.
If you'd like to get involved in helping propel the dCard forward please post a comment below.